Mark Cuban Online Pharmacy: Online Phamarcy, Cost of Drugs, Buy Drugs Online,Invest in Cost Plus drugs, Location, Contact, Telephone - 2022

Mark Cuban Online Pharmacy: Find out everything you need to know

One of America’s richest entrepreneurs, Mark Cuban, has launched an online pharmacy providing medications at a fraction of the cost charged by health insurance companies.

Almost immediately after the launch of Mark Cuban’s online pharmacy, it has been gaining significant attention online.

People are curious about this new venture, which will directly compete with big and popular names like Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart pharmacy since they offer the same product at much lower prices.

In a survey conducted by Gallup in September 2021, 18 million Americans reported being unable to afford at least one prescription medication for their household due to ever-rising costs, and 1 in 10 Americans skipped doses to cut costs.

As the first step in providing affordable medications to millions, the pharmacy’s launch marks a significant milestone.

The Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company

The online pharmacy is known by the name of Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company. 

The pharmacy is one of the first-of-its-kind to offer lower prices on over a hundred medications, including those commonly prescribed to treat high cholesterol and hypertension.

Why Cuban Established The Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company

As a means of reducing costs, Cuban set up his own pharmaceutical wholesaler and negotiated rebates and discounts directly with drug manufacturers and pharmacies.

The company sells the drugs with a 15% markup plus a $3 pharmacist fee. 

$5 is charged for shipping.

Cost of Some of The Drugs

Mesalamine, which is used to treat ulcerative colitis, is one of the discounted drugs.

 Normally, it costs $940 per month, but with a voucher, it drops to $102 per month. 

This product will be sold by Cuban Cost Plus for $32.40 per month.

On Cuban Cost Plus, Atorvastatin will cost $3.60 instead of $55.08, according to the company’s website.

Some of the medications that demonstrate the pharmacy’s impressive savings include:

  • Imatinib – leukemia treatment
    • Retail price: $9,657 per month
    • Lowest price with common voucher: $120 per month
    • MCCPDC price: $47 per month
  • Mesalamine – ulcerative colitis treatment
    • Retail price: $940 per month
    • Lowest price with common voucher: $102 per month
    • MCCPDC price: $32.40 per month
  • Colchicine – gout treatment
    • Retail price: $182 per month
    • Lowest price with common voucher: $32 per month
    • MCCPDC price: $8.70 per month

For easier reference here is a link to the full list of current medicines offered – Mark Cuban Online Pharmacy

  • Manufacturing

The majority of generic drugs are produced at a very low cost.

As an example, Imatinib costs $38.40 for a 30 count supply.

Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs strives to keep prices as close to the manufacturers as possible.

In order to do that, they cut out the middlemen.

What are the benefits of Mark Cuban Online Pharmacy to the health insurance industry?

The Mark Cuban Online Pharmacy will be very helpful to people since they provide many kinds of medicines that are very affordable and useful in dealing with different types of illnesses whether they are common colds or life-threatening ones like cancer.

For example, if you want to buy medications online, you can take advantage of a mark Cuban online pharmacy that has an online search feature where you just need to type the kind of medicine that you are looking for and then it will provide you a list of the most popular medications for your needs.

They also have a list of doctors which is very helpful information if you want to consult them before buying your medication online.

And lastly, if you want to avail their services, all you need is just one click away from all your worries and concerns because mark cuban online pharmacy provides fast delivery service for every order.

The customer service team of Mark Cuban online pharmacy is available 24/7 and they always try to keep the customers informed about their orders and provide the best possible customer support.

In addition, they also provide you with a complete privacy policy so that your personal information remains confidential at all times.

Can You Use Insurance? 

There is no insurance accepted by the Mark Cuban online pharmacy right now.

Even without insurance, the prices are usually lower than you would pay at a typical pharmacy.

About Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company

Mark Cuban Online Pharmacy: Discover everything you need to know about the Online Phamarcy, Cost of Drugs, Buy Drugs Online,Invest in Cost Plus drugs, Location, Contact, Telephone - 2022
Mark Cuban Online Pharmacy

It is the mission of Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drug Company to bring a fundamental change in the pharmaceutical industry by introducing a new model.

In being a public-benefit corporation, the company’s social mission is just as important as its bottom line, which is to improve the health of the public.

All drugs that the company sells carry a standard markup.

By establishing its company as a vertically integrated pharmacy benefits manager launching its first inventory of affordable generic drugs in January 2022 and building a state-of-the-art pharmaceutical factory scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022, the company is well on its way to making medication accessible and affordable to all.


Media Contact: Bishop Wash | (972) 854-1586 | [email protected]